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Հրատարակման ամսաթիվը
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Մոռացե՞լ եք գաղտնաբառը
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Ուսուցողական նյութեր /

Hedge Fund Course
Stuart A. McCrary
Հրատարակման տարեթիվ: 2005
Հրատարակիչ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Էջերի քանակը: 304

A self-study course that reviews the technical and quantitative knowledge necessary to properly manage a hedge fund. Today, traditional asset managers are looking to develop their own hedge funds as alternative offerings to their clients. Hedge Fund Course presents all the technical and quantitative knowledge necessary to run a leveraged investment company, and complements the less-technical information presented in the popular, How to Create and Manage a Hedge Fund (0-471-22488-X). Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, this book represents an executive-level educational program for money managers exploring the launch of alternative investment strategies or entering the hedge fund industry for the first time.

Stuart A. McCrary (Winnetka, IL) is a partner with Chicago Partners LLC and specializes in options, mortgage-backed securities, derivatives, and hedge funds. As president of Frontier Asset Management, McCrary managed and ran his own hedge fund before joining Chicago Partners. He received his BA and MBA from Northwestern University.

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